JANUARY 12 - 18
The best engineering week of the year is here once again! Come show your SPIRIT (while following the rules of course) and win the coveted E-Week trophy for your department clubroom. The E-Week team has been busy planning a week full of events and we wish each team the best of luck.
Event | Day | Time | Location |
Opening Ceremonies | Sunday | 10 PM - 12 AM | ESC |
Red-Eye Breakfast | Monday | 8 AM - 10 AM | ESC |
Smash brEUS | Monday | 1 PM - 3 PM | ESC |
Trivia | Monday | 4 PM - 5 PM | KAIS 2020/2030 |
fEUSball | Monday | 6 PM - 8 PM | ESC |
PP Breakfast | Tuesday | 8 AM - 10 AM | ESC |
Chariot Parade | Tuesday | 12:30 PM - 1 PM | Main Mall |
Chariot Racing | Tuesday | 1 PM - 4 PM | Main Mall |
Pong | Tuesday | 5 PM - 7 PM | ESC |
Pit Purge | Tuesday | 9 PM - 1 AM | The Pit |
AGM | Wednesday | 11 AM - 1 PM | ESC |
Tug | Wednesday | 2 PM - 4 PM | Macinnes Field |
Dodgeball | Wednesday | 5 PM - 7 PM | SRC |
4 Legged Race | Wednesday | 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM | ESC |
OvercEUSked 2 | Thursday | 11 AM - 1 PM | ESC |
Movie Roast-A-Thon | Thursday | 2 PM - 4 PM | ESC |
Ball Model | Thursday | 6 PM - 9 PM | ESC |
Cooking with Beer | Friday | 11 AM - 1 PM | ESC |
filmfEUSt | Friday | 3:30 PM - 6 PM | CHBE 101 |
Red Knight | Friday | 8 PM - 1 AM | ESC |
Annual Engineer’s Ball | Saturday | 6 PM - 1 AM | Nest + The Pit |

Event Winners
Event | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
Opening Ceremonies | MINE | SPD | MANU | MINE | -------- |
??? | SPD | ECE | MINE | -------- | -------- |
Smash brEUS | FIZZ | IGEN | BMEG | -------- | -------- |
Trivia | ECE/FIZZ/PP | -------- | -------- | CHBE | -------- |
fEUSball | FIZZ | MECH | FIZZ | -------- | -------- |
Chariot Racing | SPD | FIZZ | IGEN | MINE | CHBE |
Pong | MINE | FIZZ | MTRL | -------- | -------- |
Tug | MINE | FIZZ | IGEN | MECH | -------- |
Dodgeball | IGEN | MECH | FIZZ | BMEG | -------- |
4-Legged Race | ECE | MANU | FIZZ | SPD | -------- |
OvercEUSed 2 | FIZZ | ECE | SPD | -------- | -------- |
Movie rEUStathon | FIZZ | ECE | SPD/PP | -------- | -------- |
Ball Model | IGEN | MANU | MECH | ECE | MINE |
Cooking with Beer | SPD | IGEN | MECH | CHBE | ENV |
filmfEUSt | MECH | ECE | ENV | MANU | IGEN |
Daily Point Breakdown
Daily scores can be found here. They do not include the scores of events that were previously kept secret.
E-Ball 2025
Saturday January 18
What better way to end the week than a lovely dinner with your fellow engineers at the UBC Nest. Join us for food, entertainment and find out who won E-Week 2025!